“Life membership” is a membership status of the VFPA in accordance with the Trust Agreement that may be conferred upon any Member of the Association who either retires from his or her employment and who has been an active Member for five or more years, and who has rendered outstanding service to the Association or Virginia's Fire Service and/or Code Enforcement Communities. 

Past Presidents of the Association will also be granted "life membership" status with the association.  Thier information can be viewed at the Past Presidents page. 

Below is a list of the "Life Members" of the VFPA, click on "bio" to view their brief bio.  

Ed Altizer 

State Fire Marshal (retired) 

Year Awarded: 2015

Ernie Little 

Prince William County (ret.)

Year Awarded:

John McCormick - Bio 

Town of Abington 

Year Awarded:  2015

Jeff Flippo - Bio

Loudoun County (retired) 

Year Awarded:

Russell Chandler - Bio 

VDFP/VFMA (retired) 

Year Awarded: 2015

David Diamantes 

Fairfax County (retired) 

Year Awarded:

Walter Brooking Jr. - Bio 

State Fire Marshals Office

Year Awarded: 2001

Raymond Rinaldi 

Loudoun County 

Year Awarded:

Glenn A. Dean - Bio

Deputy State FM (retired) 

Year Awarded: 2018

The Virginia Fire Prevention Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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